

Call for Research Programme Proposals in Chinese Studies

To promote innovative and interdisciplinary research in Chinese studies at CUHK, the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) invites proposals for research programmes that will be housed and supported at the Institute. Office and financial support for such programmes will be provided for a period of up to three years (2022-2024).

Academic staff members from across CUHK are invited to submit proposals.

Given ICS’s mission and commitment to the humanities, research programmes proposed by members of the Faculties of Arts, Social Science, Education, and Law will receive priority consideration.

Proposed research programmes may engage any well-articulated and significant field or topic in Chinese studies.

  1. Interdisciplinary, cross-faculty research programmes with international collaboration are highly encouraged.
  2. Particularly welcome are research programmes that advance new interdisciplinary research agenda and for which the principal investigator (PI) will apply for large external and competitive funding grants. ICS in this case will serve as an incubator for new ideas and research projects.
  3. PIs may also propose to combine other research grants already received with ICS support during the programme period. Financial details will be worked out before the programme begins.

Interested faculty members are invited to submit a proposal not exceeding 3 pages in length. The proposal should address the significance of the research programme, its scope and expected outcome. The proposal should include a budget statement, with reference to the budget items listed below. Please also include a brief CV of the PI(s).

Submissions should be sent to Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 with “Research Programme Proposals in Chinese Studies” in the SUBJECT line. Deadline for application will be 31 March 2022.

PI(s) will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the submissions. Selection results will be announced by the end of May 2022.

The maximum funding period is three years, with the start date no later than 1 September 2022.

A Selection Committee will be appointed by the ICS Director for the evaluation and selection of the proposals.

The selected research programme may receive up to HK$800,000 in support of the following activities or research assistance:

  1. One culminating conference;
  2. Two workshops;
  3. Two or three visiting scholars;
  4. Postgraduate students for research assistance (part-time);
  5. Office space

Annual progress reports and a final report upon completion of the research programme should be submitted to ICS Central Office. Unsatisfactory progress will have negative budget consequences.

Enquiries should be directed to the ICS Office by email at Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它.




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