第七十三期 2021年7月

第七十三期 2021年7月

目 錄

論 文(附英文摘要)    
論宋高宗朝後期的科舉及政局 許起山 1
Male Tears in Song China (960–1279) Ya Zuo 33
北京大學所藏高郵王氏手稿的流布與現狀考實 張錦少 81
章太炎《左傳》研究之轉變——基於魏三體石經之啟發 陸駿元 143
書 評    
Women in Tang China. By Bret Hinsch T. H. Barrett 189
Xiong Shili's Understanding of Reality and Function, 1920–1937. By Yu Sang Wing-cheuk Chan 194
Becoming Human: Li Zehou's Ethics. By Jana S. Rošker Karl-Heinz Pohl 204
Tea War: A History of Capitalism in China and India. By Andrew B. Liu Morris Rossabi 214
The Lady of Linshui Pacifies Demons: A Seventeenth-Century Novel.
Translated by Kristin Ingrid Fryklund
Introduction by Mark Edward Lewis and Brigitte Baptandier
Annotations by Brigitte Baptandier
Wilt L. Idema 217
The Making of Song Dynasty History: Sources and Narratives, 960–1279. By Charles Hartman Peter Lorge 223
Further Adventures on the Journey to the West. By Master of Silent Whistle Studio. Translated by Qiancheng Li and Robert E. Hegel Ellen Widmer 231
Whampoa and the Canton Trade: Life and Death in a Chinese Port, 1700–1842. By Paul A. Van Dyke François Gipouloux 235
Transmutations of Desire: Literature and Religion in Late Imperial China. By Li Qiancheng Ann Waltner 241
Where Dragon Veins Meet: The Kangxi Emperor and His Estate at Rehe. By Stephen H. Whiteman Evelyn S. Rawski 246
China's Northern Wei Dynasty, 386–535: The Struggle for Legitimacy. By Puning Liu Scott Pearce 253
Zhou History Unearthed: The Bamboo Manuscript Xinian and Early Chinese Historiography. By Yuri Pines Lothar von Falkenhausen 263
Circulating the Code: Print Media and Legal Knowledge in Qing China. By Ting Zhang Joseph P. McDermott 268
Honor and Shame in Early China. By Mark Edward Lewis Michael Hunter 276



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